Performance Tracking

Academic Performance

The school academic year runs for two academic terms. The First term starts from April of every year and ends In October of the same year. The Second term is the final term and ends in March the following year.

Keeping track of the academic performance of our pupils is a necessary measure the school takes to gauge the effectiveness of our teaching methods. For this purpose the pupils are tested periodically. The following tests/examinations are scheduled from Classe Nursery to 8th:

  • Monthly tests (at the end of every month)
  • Term examination (at the end of First term)
  • Annual examination (at the end of the academic year)

In addition to this, informal and impromptu quizzes and class tests keep students attentive and engaged in their academics.

The data from these scheduled examinations and tests is then used to track the performance of every pupil to measure their individual academic performance. This helps teaching staff and school administration to plan any changes in the teaching methods.

Health, Hygiene & behavioural performance

It is essential that our pupils are health and have positive state of mind to maximise their learning.

Periodic medical checks by the expert Paediatrician is a way to track the progress of pupil's health. The parents are communicated if any abnormality is noticed.

Good hygiene is a critical part of health growth of any child. Pupils are checked for maintaining hygiene weekly and parents are notified if any deviation is noticed. The effort put by the parents and the pupils in maintaining hygiene is also rewarded in their examination results in the form of additional marks.

The school takes discipline very seriously and expects all pupils to adhere to the school's disciplinary policies. Pupils demonstrating outstanding behaviour and citizenship towards the school and their peers are duly rewarded.